Currently I am in Waterloo to participate in a brand new blood bowl tournament called Brewhouse Bowl - check out the
NAF forum thread if you are interested. The basic premise is they cannot afford the fees to bring the teams to play - so they offer free booze instead.
Thus - after the first three matches players from the teams participate in an old GW mini game called Brewhouse Bash -
the rules for which can be found here. The winner of the bash game will get a small boost to their blood bowl team going forwards.
The TO (grant85) is a top notch guy, very supportive of everyone else's tournaments, engaged and involved in; recruitment, setup/clean up, etc. I had suggested to him to build a custom Brewhouse Bash board - he just didn't have the cycles to devote to it. So wanting to do something cool for him I decided to have a go - I wanted this to be a surprise hence this is a scheduled post for that weekend.
So first up I did this design diagram so I knew what I had to build, based on the board section graphics in the PDF.
design diagram |
I got some MDF from the home depot and got them to cut it to a size that would fit in a standard picture frame I bought at walmart. The MDF will give it a bit more strength because the rest is just built from cardboard, popsicle sticks and some odds and ends. You can see here how I did the grid and used hot glue to stick the stones and walls down.
draw grid |
mark spaces for features |
glue down squares for stones |
two rows of double thickness card for walls |
Once that was done - I sprayed it with grey primer, lined the gaps with black by hand and then gave it a couple coats using a textured spray paint from Krylon. This gave it a great stone texture and was infinitely easier than using sand or flock. Then I glued in inside the picture frame.
sprayed grey + lined black between stones |
sprayed with Krylon Make-it-Stone textured spray paint |
paint gaps black and glued into picture frame |
In between while stuff was drying I was building all the features that weren't stone tiles or the walls. Some loose boxes I just cut squares of double thick card and glued cereal packet to the outside. The fermenter used floral water tube caps and some straws along with some water effects. All the wooden stuff was build with popsicle sticks, I tried to give it some height without being fully 3D. Finally I did the bbq after finding a good video about painting hot coals, I used a couple 40k biker bases glued together to make the metal "tub" part and followed the tutorial for painting.
Great job mate!
Hope you manage to take a few pics of the Brewhouse full of customers having proper civilized arguments about their bloodbowl games!
(I bet Grant loved it.)
Pretty sure there will be pics - I forgot my phone charger so I have been trying to avoid using my phone much.
The board is a hit, Grant loves it and folks prefer to play on it by far.
Don't wanna jinx it but it may have some good karma associated - I have won all 3 games so far, hoping it continues tomorrow.
ps that was Tristan
Didn't jinx it, karma continued. Went 5-0 to win the tournament. Write up later.
It was the best surprise of the weekend.
Everyone wanted to play their bash rounds on the 3D board.
thanks again buddy. it's hanging on my wall now lol
mission accomplished then
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