Wednesday, November 11, 2009

goblin characters

I got the finishing touches done on my two goblin characters tonight. To try and make them stand out from the crowd a bit, I gave them purple armour/robes (still using wash only technique) and decided that wasn't enough - so I used an actual paint on a single piece for each model (green dragon helm for lord, red skull spikes for shaman) - much better.

Total actual hours for this army should be record low! As for painting points, I've slipped a little behind - 82% done points for 86% of the year done. I really need to get those warg riders painted, as alltogether that'll be 60 painting points, more than enough to complete my goal.
They shouldn't take very long to paint either. I figure about 6 hours to paint 30 wargs and another 6 for the riders. The problem is getting their bases ready/adding magnets/filing gaps.

Goblin Hero/Lord
Goblin Shaman


Cawshis Clay said...

6 hours for 30 models??? That's 12 minutes a model! Amazing if you can do it! I'm envious!

Love the look on the to goblins by the way. Nice touches on the details.

Tristan M said...

6 hours actual paint time and not including assembly/cleaning. Priming doesn't take long, after that it's nearly all washes - which I nearly just slop on. Drying time is a different story ;)

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