Sorry for the massive delay on this post - unfortunately being away on vacation the week leading up to the event meant that all my preparation was for running it and not blogging/tweeting/etc.
Canadian Open 2014 participants |
I am very happy to announce we increased our turnout to 22 coaches. It could have been 24 without some last minute family & work related cancellations (which would have been 10 more than last year - so close to double digit increase!) This year I added a bunch of prizes and raffles to motivate people to bring out new blood bowl coaches - either completely new NAF members or someone who is NAF registered but never played in a tournament. It was very successful with
FOUR newcomers and a fifth returning NAF member. If you are interested in NAF tournaments in Canada, please check out our new portal site for all kinds of details, registration info, photos, results, etc. for all the Canadian tournaments.
Having the new portal also reduced my rush to get anything posted on the blog here, so apologies for that, but here are links to;
I will still post some relevant photos of the trophy winners here, but there are many more photos to look at including pics of the various teams up for the Best Team trophy at the link above.
1st Place - L3athalK |
Leathan played Lizardmen and is also on quite the roll. He won the CCKO (Ottawa) in January, the Daggerbowl (Ottawa) in February and now the Canadian Open in March.
2nd Place - wapcaplets |
Chris played Wood Elves and improved upon his 3rd place finish last year by taking second. Next year he hopes to become the champion!
3rd Place - apartment42 |
Alex was my Odd Man Out and ended up taking home 3rd place using a skaven roster he wrote that morning!
Stunty Champion - Dwarfrunner |
Mark picked up the Stunty Champion trophy with his Epic Iron Chefs halfling team.
Most TDs - grant85 |
As last year, Grant picked up the Most Touchdowns trophy with his Wood Elves.
Most CAS - Talons |
Rob ended up needing some stand-ins (including myself for game 3) on day one due to work commitments, but his Khemri still came out with the Most Casualties trophy.
Wooden Spoon - hakomike |
Some of you may know Mike from his blog -
Constantly Risking Obscurity. Mike traveled up from Michigan to participate in his first ever blood bowl tournament and ended up taking home the Wooden Spoon with his Dwarf team.
Best Team - kikurasis |
Matt took home the Best Team trophy with 10 out of 21 votes for his Slann team which also won at last years Chaos Cup.
Canuck Attitude - Purple_Nurple |
Austin won the Canuck Attitude or "best sport" trophy on tie breakers - he had the most "5 star" sportsmanship ratings from his opponents - and that while he still ended up placing 8th with his Chaos team.
I also managed to raise $150 to go towards updating the Legacy trophy (you can see Leathan holding it in the group picture above) it needs a proper plaque with name plates instead of the wood with stickers around it, so look forward to an improved and updated Legacy trophy next year.